RFQ ‑ Display RFQ


Customer Super Admin has the read access rights and Customer Purchasing Admin, Customer Super Buyer, Customer Buyer have the read and write access rights to this screen.


RFQ Display allows you to:

·        View RFQ

·         View Vendor Details

·         Print


Invoking the screen


To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ Display - View Requisition option.


Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ Display  - View


Screen Layout

























Figure RFQ Display 01























Figure RFQ Display 02


























Figure RFQ Display 03




















RFQ Display


Following data should be pre-populated in the system in order to update the RFQ Information



The following fields will be displayed at the top of the screen


Status label

This indicates the status of the RFQ. 


View the following fields in ship/Entity information


Ship Number label

This indicates the ship number entered while raising the requisition.


Ship Name label

This indicates the ship name corresponding to the above ship number.


Requisition Number label

This indicates the requisition number. This is combination of the ship number; requisition sequence number, requisition split number and requisition year.


Requisition Date label

This indicates the date the requisition is raised.


Last Requisition Changed Date label

This indicates the date the requisition is last modified.


View the following fields in RFQ information


RFQ Number label

This indicates the RFQ number. This is combination of the ship number, requisition sequence number, requisition split number, requisition year and RFQ suffix.


RFQ Date label

This indicates the RFQ created date.


RFQ Created By ID label

This indicates the RFQ created id


RFQ Created By Name label

This indicates the RFQ created name


Contact Person label

This indicates contact person.


Date Closed label

This indicates RFQ closed date.


Delivery Date label

This indicates RFQ delivery date.


Expiration Date label

This indicates RFQ delivery date.


Delivery Port Code label

This indicates RFQ delivery port code.


Delivery Port Name label

This indicates RFQ delivery port name


INCO Terms label

This indicates RFQ INCO Term


INCO Port Code label

This indicates RFQ INCO port code


INCO Port Name label

This indicates INCO term port name


INCO Delivery Place Code label

This indicates INCO delivery place code


INCO Delivery Place label

This indicates INCO delivery place


View and Edit the following fields in the Workflow User Information section


Workflow User ID textbox

This indicates the workflow user id. Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Workflow User popup from where you can select the relevant id. Maximum length allowed for the field is 10.


Workflow User Name label

This indicates the workflow user name.  It gets populated by the corresponding name if you have chosen a workflow user id from the Search Workflow User popup.


Workflow User Reviewed checkbox

This indicates the whether the workflow user has reviewed the RFQ or not.

If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘Yes’, user selects some other workflow user then workflow user reviewed checkbox will be disabled and deselected.


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘Yes’, user again selects himself as the workflow user then workflow user reviewed checkbox will be enabled


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘Yes’, user blanks out the workflow user id then

workflow user reviewed checkbox will be disabled and deselected.


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘No’, user selects some other workflow user then

workflow user reviewed checkbox will be disabled and deselected.


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘No’, user again selects himself as the workflow user then workflow user reviewed checkbox


Review Required checkbox

This indicates the review required by the workflow user or nor.

If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘Yes’, user selects some other workflow user then review required checkbox will be enabled


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘Yes’, user again selects himself as the workflow user then review required checkbox will be enabled


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘Yes’, user blanks out the workflow user id then

review required checkbox will be disabled and deselected’


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘No’, user selects some other workflow user then

review required checkbox would be enabled


If workflow user reviewed flag is ‘No’, user again selects himself as the workflow user. review required will be enabled


The following fields are mandatory under this header

Workflow User ID


View the following fields in Accounting Information section


Business Unit Code label

This indicates the business unit code


Business Unit Name label

This indicates the business unit name.


Currency Name label

This indicates the currency name.


Object Account label

This indicates the object account.


Account Description label

This indicates the object account description


Subsidiary Account label

This indicates the subsidiary account code.


Sub Ledger ID label

This textbox indicates the sub ledger id.


Sub Ledger Description label

This indicates the sub ledger description.


View the following fields in Comments & Instructions section


Internal Memo textarea

This textarea indicates the internal memo text. Click the button to the left of the textarea to append relevant text.


External Memo textarea

This indicates the external Memo. This is read only field.


A/P Memo textarea

This indicates the A/P memo. This is read only field.



Buyer Comments textarea

This indicates the buyer comments. This is read only field.



Vendor Comments textarea

This indicates the vendor comments. This is read only field.


View the following fields in Vendor & Delivery Information section


Vendor ID label

This indicates the vendor id.


Vendor Name label

This indicates the vendor name.


Vendor Contact Name label

This indicates the vendor contact name.


Vendor Quote Number label

This indicates the vendor quote number


Vendor Reply By Date label

This indicates the vendor reply by date.


Vendor Lead Time label

This indicates the vendor lead-time.


Vendor Ready Date label

This indicates the vendor ready date.


Resend Date label

This indicates the resend date.


Response Date label

This indicates the response date.


Mode of Transport Code label

This indicates the mode of transport code


Mode of Transport Text label

This indicates the mode of transport text.


Quote Revised Delivery Date label

This indicates the quote revised delivery date


Quote Revised Delivery Port Code label

This indicates the quote revised delivery port code


Quote Revised Delivery Port Name label

This indicates the quote revised delivery port name


Transmission Method label

This indicates the transmission method name.


Quote All Lines label

This indicates the quote all lines


E-Quote Vendor label

This indicates vendor selected from e-quote screen or not.


Currency Code label

This indicates vendor currency


Currency Name label

This indicates vendor currency name


Good Until Date label

This indicates vendor quote valid date.


INCO Terms label

This indicates the vendor INCO terms


INCO Term Port Code label

This indicates the vendor INCO terms port code


INCO Term Port Name label

This indicates the vendor INCO terms port name


INCO Delivery Place Code label

This indicates the INCO delivery code


INCO Delivery Place label

This indicates the INCO delivery place name.


Forwarder ID label

This indicates the forwarder id


Forwarder Name label

This indicates the forwarder name.


Consignee ID label

This indicates the consignee id


Consignee Name label

This indicates the consignee name


Agent ID label

This indicates the agent id


Agent Name label

This indicates the agent name.


View the following fields in Weight & Dimensions section


Weight label

This indicates the weight


Weight UOM label

This indicates the weight UOM


Volume label

This indicates the volume


Dimension UOM label

This indicates the UOM


View the following fields in Equipment Information section


Equipment ID label

This indicates the equipment id of equipment requisitioned.


Equipment Name label

This indicates the equipment name of the equipment requisitioned.


Equipment Category label

This indicates the equipment category


Equipment Priority label

This indicates the equipment priority.


Manufacturer ID label

This indicates the manufacturer id.


Manufacturer Name label

This indicates the manufacturer name.


Equipment Drawing Number label

This indicates the equipment drawing number


Equipment Serial Number label

This indicates the equipment serial number


Model/Type label

This indicates the equipment model.


Equipment Description label

This indicates the equipment description.


View the following Line Item Information in the grid


Line No. label

This indicates the Line number in the grid.


Description  label

This indicates the description pertaining to the line item. 


UOM  label

This indicates the unit of measurement


Item ID label

This indicates the item id of the item in the line item.


Flag label

This indicates the flag of the requisitioned line item whether ‘Safety’, ‘Hazardous’ or ‘Perishable’.


Cert. Reqd label

This indicates whether certificate is required or not.


Quantity label

This indicates the quantity requisitioned.


Quote Qty label

This indicates the quote quantity


Quote UOM label

This indicates the quote UOM


Cost label

This indicates the unit cost of the requisitioned line item.


Extended Cost label

This indicates the extended cost of the requisitioned line item. It contains the value for quantity * unit cost.


Price Type label

This indicates the price type of the requisitioned line item.


Vendor Name label

This is contract vendor name.


Currency label

This is indicates the currency code.


To view the image of an item

Click the Image button to view an image of the item. If available, it opens the image in a popup


To view the details of an item

Click Details button to view details of the line item on the line item detail page.


View the following fields in Cost Information section


Under Base Currency label

Total Items Cost label

This field indicates the summary values of the line item grids extended cost in base currency.


Discount (%)label

This indicates the discount in percentage points.


Total Discount label

This indicates the total discount in base currency.


Inbound Freight label

This indicates the inbound freight cost in base currency.


Outbound Freight label

This indicates the outbound freight cost in base currency.


Packing & Handling label

This indicates the packing and handling cost in base currency.


Taxes label

This indicates the taxes in base currency.


Total field label

This indicates the total cost calculated on the basis of information provided in the above fields in this section in base currency.


Under Vendor Currency label


Total Items Cost label

This field indicates the summary values of the line item grids extended cost in local currency.


Discount (%)label

This indicates the discount in percentage points.


Inbound Freight label

This indicates the inbound freight cost in local currency.


Outbound Freight label

This indicates the outbound freight cost in local currency.


Packing & Handling label

This indicates the packing and handling cost in local currency.


Taxes label

This indicates the taxes in local currency.


Total Net Cost label

This indicates the total cost calculated on the basis of information provided in the above fields in this section in local currency.


To Save the Workflow User section


Click the Save button to save the workflow user section. 


Vendor Details


Click the Vendor details link to view the Vendor details screen 


To Void RFQ


Click the Void RFQ link to void the RFQ. 


To Resend the RFQ

Click on the Resend button to resend the RFQ.


To print the screen


Click the Print Preview button at the bottom of the screen to print the RFQ.


RFQ – Void RFQ


Invoking the screen


To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ Display – View  - Void RFQ option.


Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ Display > View – Void RFQ


Screen Layout


Figure Void RFQ



Following data should be pre-populated in the system in order to update the RFQ Information

Reason codes


The fields on the Void RFQ screen are

User Name label

Indicates logged in user name


Void Date label

Indicates current date.


Reason Code dropdown

Indicates reason code. User can select the reason code from the reason code to void the RFQ.


Requisition Reason textarea

Indicates the reason description. This is read only field.


Text textarea

Indicates the reason description. User can enter the text for voiding the RFQ.


Following fields are mandatory in this screen

Reason code.


Note: If reason description is null even if user select the reason code then text is mandatory.


To Void the RFQ


Click on Save button to void the RFQ.























RFQ – Resend RFQ


Invoking the screen


To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ Display – View  - Resend RFQ option.


Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ Display > View – Resend RFQ


Screen Layout


Figure Resend RFQ


The fields on the Resend RFQ screen are


RFQ Number label

Indicates RFQ number


Vendor Name label

Indicates vendor name.


Vendor Fax number option button

If user want to send the RFQ through fax, user can select this option.


To label

This indicates the fax number


CC label

This indicates the fax number


Vendor E-mail

If user want to send the RFQ through email user can select this option.


To label

This indicates the email id


CC label

This indicates the email id





























RFQ - Line Item Details


Invoking the screen


To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ Display – View  - Line Item Details option.


Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ Display > View – Line Item Details


Screen Layout


Figure RFQ – Line Item details 01

























Figure RFQ – Line Item details 02


View the following fields in Equipment Information section

Equipment ID label

This indicates the equipment id of equipment requisitioned.


Equipment Name label

This indicates the equipment name of the equipment requisitioned.


Equipment Category label

This indicates the equipment category


Equipment Priority label

This indicates the equipment priority.


Manufacturer ID label

This indicates the manufacturer id.


Manufacturer Name label

This indicates the manufacturer name.


Equipment Drawing Number label

This indicates the equipment drawing number


Equipment Serial Number label

This indicates the equipment serial number


Model/Type label

This indicates the equipment model.


Equipment Description label

This indicates the equipment description.


View the following fields in Item Information section


Line number label

This indicates the line number of the item selected from the line items grid.


Quantity label

This indicates the quantity of the item selected from the line items grid.


UOM label

This indicates the UOM of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Part Description label

This indicates the description of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Item ID label

This indicates the item id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Cost label

This indicates the cost of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Extended Cost label

This indicates the extended cost of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Flag label

This indicates the flag of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Certificate Required label

This indicates certificate information of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.



Click the Image button to view an image of the item. If available, it opens the image in a popup


View the following fields displayed in Price Information section


Price Type label

This indicates the price type of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid. If price has been entered manually then this will display ‘M’ else this will display the ‘C’ if the contract exists for the item.


Contract Vendor ID label

This is contract vendor id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Contract Vendor Name label

This is contract vendor name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Price label

This is price of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid. If price has been entered manually then this will display the unit price entered by the user else this will display the contract price if the contract exists for the item.


Contract Currency Code label

This is the contract currency code of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Contract Currency Name label

This is contract currency name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Contract ID label

This is the contract id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Contract Name label

This is the contract name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Contract INCO Terms label

This is the contract INCO terms of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


View the following fields in Accounting Information section


Business Unit Code label

This indicates the business unit code of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Business Unit Name label

This indicates the business unit name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Object Account label

This indicates the object account code of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Account Description label

This indicates the object account description.


Subsidiary Account label

This indicates the subsidiary account code.


Sub Ledger ID label

This indicates the sub ledger id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.


Sub Ledger Description label

This indicates the sub ledger description.


The following fields are displayed in Notes & Comments section


Approver Notes textarea

This indicates Approver comments. This is read-only field.


Ship Comments textarea

This indicates Ship comments. This is read-only field.


Buyer Line Comments textarea

This indicates Buyer line Comments. This is read-only field.


Line Item Comments textarea

This indicates Line Item Comments. This is read-only field.


Vendor Comments textarea

This indicates Vendor Comments. This is read-only field.


To go back to the base page


Click the Back button to go back to base screen