RFQ Create allows you to:
Send RFQ
· View Target Prices
Select Vendors
View Vendors
Do Repricing
Invoking the screen
To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select RFQ – Create RFQ option
Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ – Create RFQ
Screen Layout
Figure Create RFQ 01
Figure Create RFQ 02
Note: The data entered, for various fields, while creating the requisition, is displayed in the Create RFQ screen, while creating an RFQ, for a particular requisition. The user can view and edit the following information-
Following data should be pre-populated in the system in order to Create a RFQ–
Delivery Port Code and Delivery Port Name
Contact User Id and Contact User Name
Mode of Transport Code and Mode of Transport Name
INCO Terms
INCO Port Code and INCO Port Name
INCO Delivery Place Code and INCO Delivery Place Name
Freight Forwarder ID and Freight Forwarder Name
Consignee ID and Consignee Name
Agent ID and Agent Name
The following fields will be displayed at the top of the screen
Priority label
This indicates the priority of the requisition.
Status label
This indicates the status of the requisition.
View the following fields in Ship/Entity Information Section
Ship Number label
This indicates the ship number entered while raising the requisition.
Ship Name label
This indicates the ship name corresponding to the ship number in ship number label.
Sequence Number label
This indicates the sequence number of the requisition.
Split Number label
This indicates the split number of the requisition.
Year label
This indicates the year of the requisition.
View and Edit the following fields in Requisition & Port Information section
Requisition Date label
This indicates the date the requisition is raised.
Ship Requested Date label
This indicates ship requested date.
Priority dropdown
This indicates the priority of the RFQ. You can change this by selecting one of the other options from the dropdown. The possible values are ‘Normal’, ’Ok’, ’Urgent’, ’Semi Urgent’ and ‘Medium’.
Ship Requested Port Code label
This indicates the ship requested port code for the requisition.
Ship Requested Port Name label
This indicates the ship requested port name.
Requisition Type label
This indicates the requisition type.
Delivery Port Code textbox
This indicates the delivery port code for the RFQ. Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Delivery Port popup from where you can select the relevant port code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active ports. Maximum length allowed for the field is 5.
Delivery Port Name label
This indicates the corresponding delivery port name for the delivery port code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting delivery port code from the Search Delivery Port popup.
Delivery Date textbox
This indicates the delivery date. Click on the calendar icon to its right and select the year, month and date, which get populated in the textbox. It is a read only field.
Department ID label
This indicates the department id.
Department Description label
This indicates the department description.
Base Currency Estimate textbox
This indicates the base currency estimated. The maximum length allowed for the field is 14(11 digits before the decimal and 2 digits after the decimal).
Items Flag image icons
This field displays an image corresponding to the type of items requisitioned. The image options pertain to ‘Perishable’, ‘Hazardous’ and ‘Safe’.
The following fields are mandatory under this header
Delivery Port Code
Delivery Date
View and Edit the following fields in Contact Information section
Contact User ID textbox
This indicates contact user id. Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Contact User popup from where you can select the relevant contact user id or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active users belong to the customer. Maximum length allowed for the field is 10.
Contact User Name label
This indicates the corresponding contact user name for the contact user id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting contact user id from the Search Contact User popup.
E-mail Address label
This indicates the corresponding e-mail address for the contact user id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting contact user id from the Search Contact User popup.
The following fields are mandatory under this header
Contact User ID
View the following fields in Accounting Information section
Business Unit Code label
This indicates the business unit code.
Business Unit Name label
This indicates the business unit name.
Currency Name label
This indicates the currency name.
Object Account label
This indicates the object account.
Object Account Description label
This indicates the object account description.
Subsidiary Account label
This indicates the subsidiary account.
Sub Ledger ID label
This indicates the sub ledger id.
Sub Ledger Description label
This indicates the sub ledger description.
View and Edit the following fields in Comments and Instructions section
Internal Memo textarea
This textarea indicates the internal memo text. Click the button to the left of the textarea to append the relevant memo text.
External Memo textarea
This textarea indicates the external memo text.
A/P Memo textarea
This textarea indicates the A/P memo text. Click the button to the left of the textarea to append the relevant memo text.
Buyer Comment textarea
This indicates the buyer comment textarea. Enter the comment in buyer comment textarea. The maximum length allowed for the field is 500.
View and Edit the following fields in Vendor & Delivery Information section
Vendor Ready Date textbox
This indicates the vendor ready date. Click on the calendar icon to its right and select the year, month and date, which get populated in the textbox. It is a read only field.
Reply By Date textbox
This indicates the reply by date. Click on the calendar icon to its right and select the year, month and date, which get populated in the textbox. It is a read only field.
Mode of Transport Code textbox
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Mode of Transport popup from where you can select the relevant mode of transport code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active mode of transports that belongs to the customer. Maximum length allowed for the field is 8.
Mode of Transport Name label
This indicates the corresponding mode of transport name for the mode of transport code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting mode of transport code from the Search Mode of Transport popup.
INCO Terms dropdown
Select the appropriate INCO terms from the INCO Terms dropdown
INCO Port Code label
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search INCO Port popup from where you can select the relevant port code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active INCO ports. Maximum length allowed for the field is 5.
INCO Port Name textbox
This indicates the corresponding port name for the port code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting INCO Port code from the Search INCO Port popup
INCO Delivery Place Code textbox
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search INCO Delivery Place popup from where you can select the relevant INCO delivery place code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active INCO delivery places that belong to the customer. Maximum length allowed for the field is 5.
INCO Delivery Place label
This indicates the corresponding INCO delivery place name for the INCO delivery place code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting INCO delivery place code from the search INCO delivery place popup
Freight Forwarder ID textbox
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Freight Forwarder popup from where you can select the relevant freight forwarder id or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active freight forwarders that have been setup by the customer. Maximum length allowed for the field is 9.
Freight Forwarder Name label
This indicates the corresponding freight forwarder name for the freight forwarder id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting freight forwarder id from the Search freight forwarder popup
Consignee ID textbox
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Consignee popup from where you can select the relevant consignee id or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active consignees. Maximum length allowed for the field is 9.
Consignee Name label
This indicates the corresponding consignee name for the consignee id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting consignee id from the Search Consignee popup
View the following fields in Equipment Information section
Equipment ID label
This indicates the equipment id of equipment requisitioned.
Equipment Name label
This indicates the equipment name of the equipment requisitioned.
Equipment Category label
This indicates the equipment category
Equipment Priority label
This indicates the equipment priority.
Manufacturer ID label
This indicates the manufacturer id.
Manufacturer Name label
This indicates the manufacturer name.
Equipment Drawing Number label
This indicates the equipment drawing number
Equipment Serial Number label
This indicates the equipment serial number
Model/Type label
This indicates the equipment model.
Equipment Description label
This indicates the equipment description.
The following Line Item Information is displayed in the grid
Line No textbox
This indicates the line number in the grid. This is a read only field.
Quantity textbox
This indicates the quantity requisitioned. Maximum length allowed for the field is 11( 7 digits before decimal and 3 digits after decimal).
UOM dropdown
This indicates the unit of measurement for the selected item.
Description textbox
This indicates the description pertaining to the line item. This is a read only field.
Item ID textbox
This indicates the item id of the item in the line item. This is a read only field.
Cost textbox
This indicates the cost of the requisitioned line item. Maximum length allowed for the field is 15(12 digits before decimal and 2 digits after decimal).
Extended Cost textbox
This indicates the extended cost of the requisitioned line item. It is a read only field and contains the value for quantity * unit cost.
Flag dropdown
This indicates the flag of the requisitioned line item whether ‘Safety’, ‘Hazardous’ or ‘Perishable’.
Cert. Reqd checkbox
This checkbox allows you to indicate whether certificate is required or not.
Price Type textbox
This indicates the price type of the requisitioned line item. By default it should be blank, Possible values are ‘M’/’C’ (‘Manual’/’Contracted’). This is a read only field.
Vendor Name textbox
This is contract vendor name. This is a read only field.
Currency textbox
This is the currency code corresponding to the price entered in the line item. This is a read only field.
T textbox
If approver comments, ship comments, buyer line comments, line item comments has values, it should be ‘T’ else blank value should be shown in the grid. This is a read only field.
Following fields are mandatory under this header
To view the image of an Item
Click the Image button to view an image of the item. If available, it opens the image in a popup
To view the Line Item details
Click Details button to view details of the line item on the line item detail page.
To view Target Prices
Click on the Target Price link button to view Target Prices.
To Select Vendors from Select Vendor screen
Click on the Select Vendor link button to select the Vendors for RFQ
To Select Vendors from E-quote screen
Click on the E-Quote link button to select the Vendors for RFQ
To view Vendors
Click on the View Vendor link button to view the Vendors.
To do Repricing
Click on the Repricing link button to do Repricing.
To Create RFQ
Click on Send button to send the RFQ to vendor.
To cancel the operation
Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation. The user will be taken to Search Requisition screen.
To Print the Requisition
Click the on Print Requisition to print the current Requisition.
Navigate through the Requisitions
Click the on Next or Previous buttons to navigate through the requisitions.
RFQ – Target Price
Invoking the screen
To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ –Target Price option
Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ > Target Price
Screen Layout
Figure Target Price 01
Search the Target Price details
By default Target Price Display screen displays all the items present in the requisition at particular port.
To search by specific Port Code
By default delivery port code of the requisition will be displayed in the port code textbox.
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Port popup from where you can select the relevant port code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active ports. Maximum length allowed for the field is 5. Click the Search button to fetch records corresponding to the port code in the system
Related Field Port Name label By default delivery port name of the requisition will be displayed in the port name textbox.This indicates the corresponding port name for the port code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting port code from the Search Port popup. |
To search by specific Item ID
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Item popup from where you can select the relevant item id or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active items that belong to the Requisition. Maximum length allowed for the field is 30. Click the Search button to fetch records corresponding to the item id in the system
Related Field Item Name label This indicates the corresponding item name for the item id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting item id from the Search Item popup. UOM label This indicates the corresponding UOM for the item id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting item id from the Search Item popup. |
To search by specific Currency
By default customer currency code will be displayed in the currency code textbox. Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Currency popup from where you can select the relevant currency code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the currencies. Maximum length allowed for the field is 30. Click the Search button to fetch records corresponding to the currency code in the system
Related Field Currency Name label By default customer currency name will be displayed in the currency name label. This indicates the corresponding currency name for the currency code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting currency code from the Search currency popup.
To initiate a New Search
Click the Clear button to clear the screen. All the fields will display their default values. Search can be initiated again.
The following fields are displayed in grid
Port Name label
This indicates the port name.
Ship Name label
This indicates the ship name.
Class Description label
This indicates the class name.
Item Name label
This indicates the item description.
UOM label
This indicates the UOM description
Source Name label
This indicates the target price source name
Occurrences label
This indicates the number of occurrences.
Target low label
This indicates amount for target low price type
TL Vendor Name label
This indicates vendor name corresponding to the target low price type
Target High label
This indicates amount for target high price type
TH Vendor Name label
This indicates vendor name corresponding to the target high price type
TAverage label
This indicates amount for target average price type
TLast label
This indicates amount for target last price type
TLast Vendor Name label
This indicates vendor name corresponding to the target last price type
Last PO Date label
This indicates last PO date.
Last PO Number label
This indicates last PO number
Last PO Line Number label
This indicates last PO line number
Optimum label
This indicates amount for optimum price type.
RFQ - Select Vendor
Invoking the screen
To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ – Select Vendor option
Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ > Select Vendor
Screen Layout
Figure Select Vendor01
To search Vendors
By default select vendor screen displays all the vendors that have relationship with the customer and have the purchasing service
To Search by Specific Vendor ID
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Vendor popup from where you can select the relevant vendor id or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active vendors. Maximum length allowed for the field is 9. Click the Search button to fetch records corresponding to the vendor id in the system
Related Field Vendor Name label This indicates the corresponding vendor name for the vendor id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting vendor id from the Search Vendor popup.
To Search by Specific Country Code
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Country popup from where you can select the relevant country code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active countries. Maximum length allowed for the field is 2. Click the Search button to fetch records corresponding to the country code in the system
Related Field Country Name label This indicates the corresponding country name for the country code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting county code from the Search Country popup.
Following fields are mandatory to select vendors to send RFQ
Transmission Method
Vendor Currency
View and edit the following fields in grid
Vendor ID label
This indicates vendor id
Vendor Name link button
This indicates vendor name
Contact Name textbox
This indicates vendor contact name. This textbox gets populated when user selects contact name from the select contact Popup or enter a value in the textbox. Maximum length allowed for the field is 40.
Transmission Method dropdown
This indicates transmission method name. User can select transmission method from dropdown list.
Vendor Currency textbox
This indicates vendor currency Name. This is a read only field. This textbox gets populated when user selects currency name from the select currency Popup.
Vendors having the purchasing service and relationship with customer and financial service will be displayed in the black font remaining vendors will be displayed in Red font
To Display Vendor Details
Click on the Details image button or Vendor Name link button to open vendor details popup.
Select the vendors to send the RFQ
Select the vendors by checking the check box and click on the Save button.
To cancel the operation
Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation and that takes the user to the base page.
RFQ - E-quote
Invoking the screen
To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ –E-Quote option
Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ > E-Quote
Screen Layout
Figure E-Quote01
To search Vendors
By default E-quote screen displays all the vendors that have relationship with the customer and have the purchasing service and supply equipment(s) at the selected port for the particular requisition.
To Search by Specific Alternate Port Code
By default delivery port code for the requisition will be displayed in the alternate port code textbox. Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Port popup from where you can select the relevant Port code or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active ports. Maximum length allowed for the field is 5. Click the Search button to fetch records corresponding to the alternate port code in the system
Related Field Alternate Port Name label By default delivery port name for the requisition will be displayed in the alternate port name label. This indicates the corresponding alternate port name for the alternate port code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting alternate port code from the Search Port popup.
To Search by Specific Equipment ID
Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Equipment popup from where you can select the relevant equipment id or enter a value in the textbox. The pop up displays all the active equipments that belongs to the Requisition. Maximum length allowed for the field is 15. Click the Search button to fetch records corresponding to the equipment id in the system
Related Field Equipment Name label This indicates the corresponding equipment name for the equipment id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting equipment id from the Search Equipment popup.
Following fields are mandatory to Select Vendors to send RFQ
Transmission Method
Vendor Currency
View and edit the following fields in grid
Vendor ID label
This indicates vendor id
Vendor Name link button
This indicates vendor name
Contact Name textbox
This indicates vendor contact name. This textbox gets populated when user selects contact name from the Select Contact Popup or enter a value in the textbox. Maximum length allowed for the field is 40.
Transmission Method Name dropdown
This indicates transmission method name. User can select transmission method from dropdown list.
Vendor Currency textbox
This indicates vendor currency Name. This is a read only field. This textbox gets populated when user selects currency name from the select Currency Popup.
Vendors having the purchasing service and relationship with customer and financial service will be displayed in the black font remaining vendors will be displayed in Red font
To Display Vendor Details
Click on the Details image button or Vendor Name link button to open vendor details popup.
To Display Equipment Details
Click on the Equipment image button to display Equipment details.
Select the vendors to send the RFQ
Select the vendors by checking the check box and click on the Save button.
To cancel the operation
Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation and takes the user to the Base page.
RFQ - View Vendor
Invoking the screen
To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ –View Vendor option
Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ > View Vendor
Screen Layout
Figure View Vendors
View the following fields in the screen
Port Code label
Indicates the Delivery port code of the Requisition.
Port Name label
Indicates the Delivery port name of the Requisition.
The following fields are displayed in grid
Vendor ID
This indicates vendor id
Vendor Name
This indicates vendor name
From E-quote
This indicates whether vendor is selected from e-quote screen or select vendor screen
Contact Name
This indicates vendor contact name
Currency Name
This indicates vendor currency name
Transmission method
This indicates transmission method name
Country Name
This indicates vendor country name
To delete the vendors
Click on Delete image button of the particular row of the grid to delete the vendor.
RFQ - Repricing
Invoking the screen
To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ – Repricing option
Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ > Repricing
Screen Layout
Figure Repricing
Click on Repricing link to open the Reprice popup, then select one of the following options.
1.Blank all line Items
Blanks all line items in the grid
2.Reprice All Line Items
Applies the contract pricing on all grid items
3.Reprice All Except Manually Priced items
Applies the contract pricing on all grid items except Manually priced items
To do Repricing
Select any one of the above options and click on Ok button
RFQ - Line Item Details
Invoking the screen
To go to the screen click Requisition & RFQ on the main menu and select the RFQ – Line Item Details option
Main Menu > Requisition & RFQ > RFQ > Line Item Details
Screen Layout
Figure RFQ-Line Item Details 01
Figure RFQ-Line Item Details 02
View the following fields in Equipment Information section
Equipment ID label
This indicates the equipment id of equipment requisitioned.
Equipment Name label
This indicates the equipment name of the equipment requisitioned.
Equipment Category label
This indicates the equipment category
Equipment Priority label
This indicates the equipment priority.
Manufacturer ID label
This indicates the manufacturer id.
Manufacturer Name label
This indicates the manufacturer name.
Equipment Drawing Number label
This indicates the equipment drawing number
Equipment Serial Number label
This indicates the equipment serial number
Model/Type label
This indicates the equipment model.
Equipment Description label
This indicates the equipment description.
View the following fields in Item Information section
Line Number label
This indicates the Line number of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Quantity label
This indicates the quantity of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
UOM label
This indicates the UOM of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Part Description label
This indicates the description of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Item ID label
This indicates the item id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Cost label
This indicates the unit cost of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Extended Cost label
This indicates the extended cost of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Flag label
This indicates the flag of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Certificate Required
This indicates Certificate information of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Click the Image button to view an image of the item. If available, it opens the image in a popup
View the following fields in Price Information section
Price Type label
This indicates the price type of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid. If price has been entered manually then this will display ‘M’ else this will display the ‘C’ if the contract exists for the item.
Contract Vendor ID label
This indicates the contract vendor id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid if the contract exists for the line item.
Contract Vendor Name label
This indicates the contract vendor name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid if the contract exists for the line item.
Price label
This is Price of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid. If price has been entered manually then this will display the unit price entered by the user else this will display the contract price if the contract exists for the item.
Contract Currency Code label
This is the contract currency code of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Contract Currency Name label
This is contract currency name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Contract ID label
This is contract id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Contract Name label
This is contract name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Contract INCO Terms label
This is contract INCO terms of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
View the following fields in Accounting Information section
Business Unit Code label
This indicates the business unit code of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Business Unit Name label
This indicates the business unit name of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Object Account label
This indicates the object account of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Account Description label
This indicates the object account description.
Subsidiary Account label
This indicates the subsidiary account.
Sub Ledger ID label
This indicates the sub ledger id of the requisitioned item selected from the line items grid.
Sub Ledger Name label
This indicates the sub ledger name.
View the Edit following fields in Notes and comments section
Approver Notes textarea
This indicates approver comments. This is read only field.
Ship Comments textarea
This indicates ship comments. This is read only field.
Buyer Line Comments textarea
This indicates buyer line comments textarea. Click the button to the left of the textarea to append the relevant memo text. Maximum length allowed for the field is 500.
Line Item Comments textarea
This indicates line item comments. . Click the button to the left of the textarea to append the relevant memo text. Maximum length allowed for the field is 500.
To save the Line Item Details
Click the Save button to save the line item details and that takes the user to the main
To cancel the operation
Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation and takes the user to the main screen