PO – Search Pro-forma PO for Approval


Customer Purchasing Admin and Customer Approver have read and writes access to this screen. Customer Super Admin, Customer Super Buyer, Customer Buyer, Customer Manager and Customer Superintendent have only read access to this screen.


Invoking the screen


To go to the screen click Purchase Order on main menu and select Approve Pro-forma PO.


Main Menu > Purchase Order > Approve Pro-forma PO



Screen layout


Figure Approve Pro-forma PO 01





Select criteria to search and fetch the relevant pro-forma PO to approve


The Approve Pro-forma PO screen shown above allows you to search for the relevant pro-forma PO on the basis of any of the following criteria. These are: Delivery Port Code, Approval Group ID, Approver ID, Workflow User ID, or Ship Code. User may select or enter values in the following fields before going on to select specific search criteria to list pro-forma PO’s for approval.



Delivery Port Code textbox

This indicates the delivery port code of the pro-forma PO. Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Search Port popup from where you can select the relevant port code. The pop up displays all the active port codes. Maximum length allowed for the field is 5.


Related Fields

Delivery Port Name textbox

This indicates the corresponding port name of the port code chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting port code from the Search Port popup.


To search by specific Approval Group ID


Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Select Approval Group popup from where you can select the relevant approval group id or enter a value in the textbox. The option button to the left will get selected on its own. Maximum length allowed for the field is 10. Click the Search button at the lower left of the screen without adding any of the other fields.  The system will fetch relevant pro-forma POs in the grid on the lower half of the screen. 


Related Fields

Approval Group Name textbox

This indicates the corresponding approval group name of the approval group id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting approval group id from the Select Approval Group popup above.



To search by specific Approver ID


Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Select Approver popup from where you can select the relevant approver id or enter the value in the textbox. The option button to the left will get selected on its own. Maximum length allowed for the field is 10. Click the Search button at the lower left of the screen without adding any of the other fields.  The system will fetch relevant pro-forma POs in the grid on the lower half of the screen. 


Related Fields

Approver Name textbox

This indicates the corresponding approver name of the approver id chosen in the earlier step. This value gets populated at the time of selecting approver id from the Select Approver popup.



To search by specific Workflow User ID


Click the button to the right of the workflow user id textbox to access the Select Workflow User popup from where you can select the relevant workflow user id or enter the value in the textbox. The option button to the left will get selected on its own. Maximum length allowed for the field is 10. Click the Search button at the lower left of the screen. The system will fetch relevant pro-forma POs in the grid on the lower half of the screen. 



To search by specific Ship Number


Click the button to the right of the textbox to access the Select Ship popup from where you can select the relevant ship number or enter a value in the textbox. Maximum length allowed for the field is 9. The pop up displays all the active ships that belong to the customer. The option button to the left will get selected on its own. Click the Search button to fetch relevant in the grid at the bottom of the screen. The system will fetch the relevant pro-forma Pos in the grid on the lower half of the screen.


Related Fields

Ship Name label

This indicates the name of the ship. It gets populated when you select the relevant ship number from the Select Ship popup.

Sequence Number From textbox

This indicates the Sequence Number From. Maximum length allowed for the field is 9.

Sequence Number To textbox

This indicates the Sequence Number to. Maximum length allowed for the field is 9.

Year textbox

This indicates the year. Maximum length allowed for the field is 4.

Split Number textbox

This indicates the split number. Maximum length allowed for the field is 3.



To clear the search screen


Click the Clear button to clear the screen.  You may now enter different criteria for searching..


To select and view relevant pro-forma PO to approve


Check the Select checkbox on the left end of the relevant row to select the pro-forma PO. Click the View button to view the selected pro-forma PO.  The selected pro-forma PO is displayed in the Generate Pro-forma screen as shown in Figure View Pro-forma PO 02 to Figure View Pro-forma PO 03.


Figure View Pro-forma PO 02


Figure View Pro-forma PO 03



To edit relevant pro-forma PO to approve


Check the Select checkbox on the left end of the relevant row to select the pro-forma PO. Click the Edit button to edit the selected pro-forma PO. The selected pro-forma PO is displayed in the Generate Pro-forma screen as shown in Figure Edit Pro-forma PO 04 to Figure Edit Pro-forma PO 06.


Figure Edit Pro-forma  PO 04



Figure Edit Pro-forma PO 05


Figure Edit Pro-forma PO 06



To approve a Pro-forma PO


Check the Select checkbox on the left end of the relevant row to select the pro-forma PO. Click the Approve button to approve the selected pro-forma PO.


To disapprove a Pro-forma PO


Check the Select checkbox on the left end of the relevant row to select the pro-forma PO. Click the Disapprove button to disapprove the selected pro-forma PO. You will be taken to the Disapprove Reason popup, where you can enter the reason for disapproval as shown in the figure below.


Figure Disapprove Pro-forma PO



To go to the Quote Comparator


Check the Select checkbox on the left end of the relevant row to select the pro-forma PO. Click the Quote Comparator button to go to the quote comparator screen of the SeaSupplier application.